It's Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada! To me this is the start of the best time of the year, the leaves change colours and the air is crisp, then there is Halloween and then... CHRISTMAS! Ok, I'm getting ahead of myself. I'm trying to enjoy all of the holidays. My family usually celebrates Thanksgiving on the Sunday and then we use the Monday as a day to relax. We usually do a thanksgiving lunch instead of dinner because its makes the day longer and we eat so much food that its better to eat it for lunch lol. I wouldn't be able to sleep after a big meal like that haha. Here was our Menu:
Cheese Board
- Cheese in a pumpkin shape
- Honey Mustard Pretzels
- Salami
- Crackers that look like Baguettes
- Nuts and dried fruit
- Onion and Chive dip
- Turkey
- Mashed potatoes
- Mashed Sweet Potatoes (with Marshmallows)
- Coleslaw
- "Creamy Onions" (My grandmas recipe, I don't know the proper name)
- Festive Rice
- Caramelized Carrots
- Apple Sauce
- Apple cider
- Apple crumble
- Banana, Pumpkin, Chocolate Chip Loaf
For my outfit I kept it pretty simple with a maroon velvet dress that has slightly puffed sleeves. I added a crochet cream collar to give it a bit more detail and I made a brooch to make the outfit look less Christmasy. Getting dressed up for holidays is a MUST, it makes the day more special in my opinion. It also helps keep the holiday alive through generations. I had an amazing time with family, we ended up being 10 around the table. I used to vlog on Thanksgiving but I decided to just enjoy the day with family this year. So I only have these photos to share, I hope you guys don't mind! It was a really windy cold day, the leaves were blowing all over the place, so at night I sat down and watched the Omen lol. I can't seem to find a good Thanksgiving film from the 1930s-1950s so if you have any recommendations let me know!
BONUS: Here is also a photo of the day before thanksgiving, I was enjoying a little pumpkin pie "tart". I'm not a big fan of pumpkin pie, I prefer Pecan (My favourite pie). But this one was pretty good! A little treat that got me into the Thanksgiving spirit.
There doesn't seem to be any Thanksgiving movies from the 1930s-50s, but I do have a fun 1944 film to suggest for Halloween, Arsenic and Old Lace starring Cary Grant along with actress Priscilla Lane. Also the British 1940 movie Gaslight and the the 1944 version starring Ingrid Bergman and Charles Boyer, great classic movies to watch ...
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